Sabon Jaffa Antique Shopping by SabonLover Alon took me to antique furniture shopping at Jaffa. We ate lunch at the famous "Dr. Shashuka" restaurant. Dr. Shashuka
Sabon Sabon Collection Soap Gift Set by SabonLover Special gift made to distribute to VIP guests in Israel.
Uncategorized White Night in Tel Aviv by SabonLover Laila Lavin (White Night) is a night that the Tel Aviv doesn't sleep, most stores, restaurant are opened through out the night. It was very fun to see everyone goes ...
Sabon Photoshoot at Shenkin by SabonLover After interview, we went to photoshoot at Shenkin Street store.
Press Sabon WWD Beauty Japan Interview in Israel by SabonLover WWD Beauty of Japan came to Israel to interview Sabon Shel Paam. We chose to do the interview at the Sabon store in Shuster Center Ramat Aviv.
Sabon Carlton on the Beach by SabonLover Nana Bar - Miho & Ryo Carlton on the Beach Me & Guy Met up with Miho & Ryo from WWD Beauty Japan. We went to Nana-Bar at Neve Tzedek, ...
Uncategorized Watching Worldcup at Avi’s place by SabonLover Watched Worldcup at Avi's apartment. He has a very nice apartment in Old Jaffa facing the sea. Avi made salad