New Product Released
New Product Released! Homme & Femme Sabon Logo Cotton Bags Sabon Logo Wooden Scoops
Sabon New Year Party
Sabon New Year Party 新年会@ハレノヒ西麻布。It was such a fun night. The highlight of the night was professional speech by Ranna-chan and engagement announcement by Yuko-chan.
魚真 with Anna
After work, I really felt like having sushi at 魚真 which is very close to the office. I stopped by myself and Anna (our Sabon PR) joined me later. Anna ...
Yakitori with my two roommates
Israel suggested this really good yakitori place at 緑が丘. It was really cheap & good. They were playing around with my new camera and took some really nice pics.
(汁)SABON ?!
Just came back to Tokyo. Went to have collagen hot pot with Hiromi and Yumiko at (汁)ハレノヒ@中目黒, and the big board was written (汁)SABON?! 今日もGirl's Talkが止まらなかった>_<
My BDay Party
My Birthday Party in Tokyo. First went to 魚真 for dinner then I had a drinking party at Mahogany R&E in Roppongi. It was such a fun night. Thank ...
Model Kuramoto Yasuko's book with lots of her personal Sabon products.
Soap by Aiko
Aiko made me this beautiful soap herself. She took a lesson when she was in Osaka. I am so impressed!
福袋 Lucky New Year’s Bag
Today, we started selling of 福袋 (Lucky New Year's bag). I stopped by Lumine store and it was full of people. All 福袋 was sold out !! Then I went ...