Omiya 大宮ルミネ 今日は大宮、池袋、自由が丘と六本木ヒルズ店に行ってきました! 最近Back Officeでみんなのメッセージなどを見ることが好きです。 Went around Omiya, Ikebukuro, Jiyugaoka and Roppongi Hills store today. These days I love to look at the messages and creative boards inside the back ...
Sabon Moments Vol. 7 has released This time we made a shop looks like the holiday booth in Europe The theme inside this issue is "Wrapped with Love" There are ...
Today I will start my 21 days of detoxing program with CLEAN to cleanse out my whole body. CLEAN is designed by Dr. Junger M.D. in New York. Famous actress Gwyneth ...