Sabon NY near Time Warner has opened!
Address: 1845 Broadway, New York NY 10023 HP:
Boating in Central Park
Sabon Japan4周年 anniversary
Today, it's the 4th year anniversary of Sabon opened its first store in Japan. It took 3 years from the first time I spoke to Sabon NY until the day ...
Bowery Coffee (NY)
Summer Bags 2012
Summer Bag 6月6日(水)発売・夏期限定販売 Gray/Green 各¥3,500(税込) Straw ¥4,500
Willamsburg, Brooklyn
Went to Brooklyn to check-out the Wythe Hotel with 袴田さん。
Visited Sabon Office & Stores with our designer
Our store designer Hakamada-san of ACCA Design was in New York. We went to visit the office and the stores together in Soho. He had designed the Yokohama, Namba Takashimaya, Omiya ...
Mondrian Soho
Went to visit Mondrian Soho and had lunch at "Imperial No Nine" restaurant next to the lobby. It was such a beautiful place with natural sunlight coming from the roof ...
セルリアンタワー東急ホテル夏期限定のレディースプラン、~Summer Relaxation~ラグジュアリープランにご宿泊の方に、SABONのアメニティーセットがプレゼントされています。 Aviが日本に来る度にもこのホテルに泊まってます。私もここが好きです。部屋が広くて夜景が綺麗です。ぜひこの機会にご覧ください!