Sabon 渋谷 Hikarie ShinQs Grand Open
Sabon 渋谷 Hikarie ShinQs has officially opened. This is our 16th store in Japan and the 8th store in Tokyo. Staff were very ready to greet customers before the door ...
New!! Sabon Hair Series
Finally the long-waited Sabon Hair Series is released in Japan. Exclusively sold at 表参道store! Shampoo 2,400 Yen Conditioner 2,600 Yen Hair Mask 3,200 Yen Hair Serum 3,600 アマゾンの熱帯雨林で育まれた植物エキスが詰め込まれたジャスミンの香り豊かなヘアケアシリーズで、 潤いのある健やかな髪をご実感いただけます。 表参道店のみでの限定発売となりますので、ぜひこの機会に足をお運びください。 ...
Mother’s Day Aroma Set
Madonna Cup Camel
This Madonna cup Camel color is no longer sold in Israel & Japan. Last time when I travelled back to Israel from Hong Kong, it was broken in the suitcase, ...
Sabon Hikarie on 朝ズバッ
Shibuya Pre-Open Reception
小池徹平さんが今日は渋谷Hikarie ShinQs店に来ていただきました!目が可愛かったです ^0^